Two weeks GDP meeting organized by Statistics Sweden held in Nairobi, Kenya. This meeting was intended to review the current estimates (GDP estimates for 2012-2016), calculate 2017 GDP estimates and Harmonization of the different methods used by international partners (IMF, WB) and Somali government together with Statistics Sweden.

The main aim of the meeting was to engage all various stakeholders such as World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Statistics Sweden and Somalia Government of the GDP estimates to harmonize the existing GDP compilation systems include methods, sources and figures to come up with one harmonized Somali’s GDP estimates that presents the country’s GDP indicators and also to review the current estimates and incorporate with the new results from Somali High Frequency Survey Wave 2.
The overall objective of the Economic statistics component is to improve the quality of economic statistics and specially the Consumer price index (CPI) and develop the Gross domestic product (GDP). The outcome of this mission is to finalize the calculation of GDP-estimates for Somalia.