The National Statistical System (NSS) in Somalia is the ensemble of statistical organizations and units within Somalia that jointly collect, process and disseminate official statistics on behalf of the Federal Republic of Somalia. SNBS is exclusively mandated to conduct the collection, collation, compilation, coordination, analysis, evaluation and dissemination of all National Statistical Information via the establishment and management of a centralised National Statistical System (NSS), as well as conducting national population census, surveys, collection and assembling of socio-economic statistics. SNBS also validates and conducts periodic dissemination of all national statistical information to preclude wastage emanating from duplication of duties and overlap.

The enactment of Law No:24 – National Statistic Law of the Federal Republic of Somalia officially mandated the establishment of the Somalia National Bureau of Statistics (SNBS), which repealed the Somalia Statistical Law number 35 of 1970, with a view to harmonizing it with Somalia’s Federal System of Governance as envisioned in the current Provisional Constitution.
SNBS works closely with other State agencies, both at the Federal Government and Federal Member States level in coordinating all statistical activities throughout the country. SNBS also has strong partnership and cooperation with national, regional and international bodies and institutions that are either involved in the generation or usage of national statistics.

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