Somali Integrated Statistics and Economic Planning Capacity Building Project
(SISEPCBP, P171160)
The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) through the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) has received a grant from the International Development Association (IDA) to finance the Somali Integrated Statistics and Economic Capacity Building (SISECB) Project. The project aim is to strengthen the country’s national statistics system, the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system, and improve the programing and analytical capacity of the government’s macroeconomics and fiscal programming agencies to enable them to regularly assess, analyze and improve their public policies and programs performance and results. More specifically, the project aims at: (1) Strengthening the national statistics system; (2) Strengthening monitoring and evaluation capacity; and (3) Building economic policy analysis and economic planning capacity. The project is funded jointly by the World Bank and other development partners.
Project Description
The project has four components: (1) Strengthening coordination, statistical infrastructure, and data development of the national statistical system, (2) ICT development and equipment of the national statistical system, (3) Data utilization for M&E and planning, and (4) Project management.
Component 1: Strengthening coordination, statistical infrastructure, and data development of the national statistical system
The aim for this component is to provide support to key official statistics-producing agencies in strengthening the capacity of the country’s National Statistical System (NSS) to collect data for poverty and macroeconomic monitoring (national accounts/GDP/sector growth, inflation, key administrative data).
Activities to be supported under this component include (a) Coordination of the National Statistics System, (b) Design and Implementation of the Somali Integrated Household Budget Survey, (c) Production of Business and key Administrative Data for the Compilation of National Accounts, (d) Strengthening human capacity in Poverty, CPI and National Accounts statistics, (e) Development of a Compendium of statistical concepts and definitions, data access and information dissemination policy.
Component 2: ICT Development and Equipment of the National Statistical System
This component supports the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) infrastructure needed to support the production and dissemination of the social and macroeconomic statistics needed for the compilation of national accounts, CPI, and poverty indicators. This component will provide computers, laptops, and related IT networking equipment. The infrastructure and equipment provided will improve the administrative data compilation and dissemination process, and also enhance information access to the public and make the best use of information technology channels and storage systems.
Component 3: Data Utilization for M&E and Planning
This sub-component seeks to support the FGS authorities in monitoring selected poverty reduction and economic growth programs and in developing economic policies, rebuilding institutions of economic management, and enhancing institutional capacity necessary for policy formulation and implementation.
This component will enhance capacity through i) strengthening the capacity of MED to monitor the implementation progress of selected poverty and vulnerability reduction programs and projects under NDP9, and ii) supporting Economic Policy Analysis and Planning Capacity.
Strengthening MED Capacity will focus on the following activities: (i) Development and Implementation of a National M&E Framework; (ii) Design and Implementation of Sectoral Performance Monitoring Pilots; (iii) M&E Capacity Building, and (vi) Enhancements to the M&E System Platform.
Supporting Economic Policy Analysis and Planning Capacity will constitute: (i) Supporting NEC and Economic Policy Analysis Unit (EPAU) operations; (ii) providing training on macroeconomic-fiscal analysis, forecasting, and reporting, particularly in the macroeconomics and revenue departments in FGS.
Project Development Process