Statistics User Producer Consultation Forum


Mogadishu, Sunday, 6 August, 2023. Somali Integrated Statistics and Economic Planning Capacity Building Project holds User-Producer Consultation forum of official statistics for relevant ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs), representatives from the academia, civil society, research firms, media fraternity, among other stakeholders.

User—producer of Statistics forum is crucial in enhancing effective communication and coordination of statistical work both within the Government as well as with universities, researchers and the private sector. The event presents an opportunity to engage with stakeholders, sensitize parties about the importance of coordination and optimization of an effective national statistical system. The availability of quality official statistics is prerequisite to the formulation of prudent and compelling public policies that are data-driven.

Users of statistics rely on data to inform the decisions, allocate basic services based on facts and scientific findings, help spur investments and lay the foundation for economic growth in the country. Whether it is analysing trends, identifying patterns, or identifying areas of improvement, statistics helps policy makers to make informed choices. Producers of statistics ought to present information in a clear, concise, and persuasive manner since the power of statistics manifests in effectively communicating info, hence influence opinions.

Federal Minister of Planning, Investment & Economic Development, H.E Mohamud Beenebeene who unveiled the event stated, “statistics work is critical for development initiatives that seek to advance government programs, projects and interventions that effectively respond to public needs, including the provisions of basic services. I commend the SNBS for helping to empower some government institutions with vital statics that drive the quest for effective governance through evidence-based decisions. The Honorable Minister further applauded ministries that taken crucial steps towards advancing administrative data, nothing that it is imperative to empower government institutions that produce statistics in terms of technical capacitation, statistical infrastructure to improve their production.

SNBS Director General, Sharmarke Farah gave an update on statistical publications the Bureau had made since the launch of the User Satisfaction Survey. The DG illuminated to the esteemed audience that the event provides an avenue to exchange notes with stakeholders, see where the Bureau has made progress with respect to production, coordination and publication of official statistics and the status of overall institutional perceptions regarding improvement in user satisfaction since the previous survey.

The Statistics Project Implementation Unit CoordinatorMohamed Abdinur presented about the number of publications the Bureau has produced so far, all of which can be downloaded from the website. He was supported by the SNBS IT team who presented to participants on the website layout and how to easily access all publications that have been uploaded therein.

Presentations were also made by the ministries of Health and Education on HMIS and EMIS respectively and Central Bank of Somalia on financial systems that propel economic reforms.

Statistics User Producer Consultation Forum Photos