On 2-4th July 2019, a coordination workshop was held at Hayat hotel in Mogadishu for federal line ministries to coordinate and strengthen the statistical capacity in the country with the purpose of facilitating decision makers’ awareness, understanding and trust in statistical data and to provide importance in improving administrative data systems, as possible source of official statistics. During the workshops the DNS technical team conveyed to the participants through significant presentations. The main objective of the training workshop was to:

Sharing knowledge and layout the role of each line ministries to the production of accurate and reliable data; identifying opportunities and addressing current challenges facing the SDGs in Somalia.

Enhance the collaboration between government institutions and the Directorate of National Statistics in order to produce official administrative statistics data.

Discuss the establishment of Statistical technical committee to strength the collaboration among the ministries with the Directorate of National Statistics.

The participants were also giving practical work on analysis for excel. They were able to do the practical work on the second day of the training and the trainers were able to help out for better grasp of the work.

Outcome of the Workshop

The workshop had expected results such as:

·       The importance of administrative data having being learnt

·       Strong coordination between line ministries and Directorate of National Statistics is achieved

Existing gaps and challenges from both line ministries and DNS is discussed and way forward is provided