Press Release

Somalia National Bureau of Statistics Launches National Disability Report and Women & Men Facts & Figures

Mogadishu, Somalia – March 14, 2024 – The Somalia National Bureau of Statistics (SNBS), through the Somali Integrated Statistics and Economic Planning Capacity Building Project (SISEPCB P171160), launched two important reports today: the National Disability Report and the 3rd Women and Men Facts and Figures.

The launch event, held at the Decale Hotel in Mogadishu, saw over 100 participants, including representatives from government ministries (Ministry of Women, National Disability Agency), Members of Parliament, civil society organizations, the World Bank (WB), UN Women, UNDP, academia, media, and other national and international stakeholders.

The reports were produced using data from the Somali Integrated Household Budget Survey 2022 and developed collaboratively with relevant stakeholders, including the Ministry of Women and the National Disability Agency.

The program kicked off with presentations on the key findings of each report:

Said Abdilahi Abdi, Director of Population and Social Statistics Directorate, presented the Summary of Key Findings of Disability Statistics Report.

Mohamed Abdinur Mohamed, Project Coordinator for SISEPCB and Senior Statistician, presented the Summary of Key Findings of Women and Men Facts and Figures.

Following the presentations, insightful remarks were delivered by:

Dr. Sayed Sadiq, UN Women’s Country Program Manager, Somalia

Dr. Fartun Ali Abdirahman, General Secretary, National Disability Agency

Hon. Nadra Saleh Abdi, Chair, Parliamentary Sub-committee on Social Service Development, House of People (SSDC)

The event concluded with closing remarks by Sharmarke Farah, Director General of the Somalia National Bureau of Statistics.

These reports provide valuable data and insights on the status of women and people with disabilities in Somalia, which will be crucial for informing policy decisions and programs aimed at promoting gender equality and social inclusion.

For more details, SNBS encourages you to read the full report & It provides a comprehensive analysis of the National Disability Report and the 3rd Women and Men Facts and Figures.

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kick-off Meeting for the Implementation of the Integrated Training Plan for Staff from the National Statistics System

Mogadishu, Monday, 30 October 2023. Somali Integrated Statistics and Economic Planning Capacity Building Project commenced the implementation of the integrated training plan for the staff from key Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) producing official statistics in Somalia.

The Somalia National Bureau of Statistics (SNBS) signed agreement with the Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre (EASTC) on 19th August 2023. The contract aims to build capacity of staff working within National Statistical Systems (NSS) of Somalia. This program is funded by the World Bank through the Somali Integrated Statistics and Economic Planning Capacity Building Project (SISEPCBP), and it includes seven short courses, three to be conducted in Mogadishu, Somalia and four in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

The program officially started on 30th October 2023 in Mogadishu and expected to end in January 2024. This program will enhance the skills and knowledge of staff working within National Statistical Systems in carrying out their duties more effectively and efficiently. The program will focus on foundational statistical concepts and theories. This will provide a solid understanding of the principles behind data collection, management, analysis, and interpretation. This will strengthen knowledge of staff to handle the complexities that arise in their everyday work.

In addition, the program will delve into advanced statistical techniques and methodologies including topics such as Sampling Methods, GIS, Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI), Household Surveys in Measuring Poverty and use of statistical software to manage and analyze data. Through hands-on training and workshops, the staff from NSS will gain practical experience and develop a mastery of these complex techniques.

Moreover, the program will also emphasize on the importance of data quality and accuracy. The staff will be trained in ensuring that data collection methods adhere to rigorous standards. This includes conducting thorough data cleaning, validation, and verification processes. Another crucial aspect of the program is the utilization of technology in statistics. Our staff will be introduced to innovative tools and software that can facilitate data collection, management, and analysis. By harnessing the power of technology, our staff can reduce manual errors, streamline processes, and produce more reliable and timely statistics.

Finally, the program will foster a culture of continuous learning. Regular assessments and evaluations will be conducted to gauge the progress and effectiveness of the program. Feedback from our staff will be actively sought and considered for future improvements. Additionally, opportunities for further skill development and professional growth will be provided to ensure that our staff remains up-to-date with the latest advancements in the field.

In conclusion, the kick-off of the official statistics capacity building program marks an important milestone in enhancing the skills and abilities of staff working within National Statistical Systems in Somalia. Through a comprehensive curriculum and hands-on training, our staff will be equipped with the necessary tools and knowledge to excel in their roles. With this program, we are confident that our staff will be able to contribute significantly to the production of accurate and reliable statistics.

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Somalia National Bureau of Statistics (SNBS) Launches Poverty & Inequality Report

Press Release

Mogadishu, Wednesday August  30, 2023. SNBS launches Poverty and Inequality Report that provides valuable insights into the current state of poverty across Somalia. The poverty statistics were calculated based on the Somali Integrated Household Budget Survey data collected in 2022.

The findings indicate that 54.4 percent of the Somali population live below the poverty line, as they consume less than $2.06 per person day. The combined poverty line for food and non-food basic needs shows that the annual expenditure per person is $754 and $2.06 daily.

The report also highlights the main sources of food consumption, with purchases accounting for 93 percent of total food consumed, followed by own production and in-kind at 2.9 percent each. Furthermore, the report reveals that poverty is highest among the nomadic population at 78.4 percent, followed by the rural population at 65.5 percent, and lowest in urban areas at 46.1 percent. However, since population is denser in urban areas, there are more poor people in urban areas than in rural and nomadic areas which are sparsely populated.

With respect to inequality, the 90-10 quantile ratio shows that per-capita consumption is 4.96 times larger at the 90th percentile compared to the 10th percentile. The Gini index, a measure of inequality, was found to be 35.2 nationally in 2022. It was highest among nomadic population at 41.7, followed by urban areas at 33.6, and lowest in rural areas at 31.9.

The report also draws nexus between poverty and household size, indicating that poverty incidence increases with increase in household sizes. For instance, households with 1—3  members have a poverty incidence of 24.3 percent, while households with 10 or more members have the highest poverty incidence at 63.4 percent. Likewise, poverty declines with rise in literacy rate. Approximately 56.4 percent of households whose heads had no formal education live in poverty, compared to about 9.6 percent of those living in households headed by people with a higher education.

 For more details, SNBS encourage you to read the full report It provides a comprehensive analysis of poverty and inequality in Somalia and offers valuable insights for policymakers and development practitioners.

You should have further comments or questions for clarification, do not hesitate to reach us on or

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Somali National Bureau of Statistics (SNBS) Launches Somalia Social Sector Statistics Strategy (SSSS)

Press Release

Mogadishu, Sunday, June 25, 2023 — SNBS launches the first Ever Somalia Social Sector Statistics Strategy, a national guide for data production & availability that enables informed planning & effective socioeconomic development. The Strategy seeks to address challenges in social statistics production with respect to statutory and institutional framework, statistical and physical infrastructure and human resource capacity gaps. It also seeks to provide for governance mechanism and implementation arrangements for effective oversight and supervision in the application of the strategy.

SNBS is committed to strengthening Somalia’s National Social Statistical System and improve programming and analytical capacity of the social development institutions to enable them to regularly assess, analyze and improve social policies and the government’s performance and results. The Strategy was accomplished with technical support from UNICEF Somalia.

Accomplishment of the Social Sector Statistics Strategy is a culmination of series of consultative sessions during which relevant policy documents were also reviewed. The development and validation process involved extensive consultations with stakeholders within the National Statistical System, cementing ownership and incorporation of valuable insights. Together with Partners, SNBS is building a robust statistical system that can effectively respond to the evolving societal needs.

Subsequently, the availability of quality social statistics will successfully provide a quantitative basis for informed decision-making, better planning for socio-economic development and respond adequately to the data requirements for monitoring and evaluation of Somalia’s National Development Plan (NDP), the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Speaking at the launch of the Social Statistics Strategy, The Federal Minister for Planning, Investment and Economic Development, H.E Mohamud Beenebeene remarked, “the Social Sector Statistical Strategy is a national guide for social data production & its availability enables informed planning & effective socioeconomic development. Developing this Social Sector Statistics Strategy does not only address coordination challenges, strengthen institutions, and reduce data gaps but also its successful implementation will have a transformative impact on Somalia’s social development”.

SNBS is responsible for compiling administrative data, conducting surveys and coordinating and approving all statistical activities in addition to publishing accurate, timely and reliable statistical information in Somalia to accelerate institutional reforms.

Since Its inception as the mandated government agency for statistical information collection, coordination, and dissemination under the National Statistics Law No. 24, SNBS is laying the foundation for evidence-based policies and programs that improve people’s well-being. It was realized that this requires a collective government and partners’ efforts to harmonize, standardize, operationalize and coordinate the production and dissemination of quality social statistics for the benefit of users.

“SNBS is striving to avail to the Nation accurate and comprehensive data for effective policy-making and program implementation. The work of Social Sector Statistics Department is thus commendable for their expertise and dedication in shaping this strategy and making its realization a success”,  observed the SNBS DG, Sharmarke Farah at the launch event. The DG also extended his acknowledgement to Social Development line ministries, departments and agencies, Civil Society, Academia, Private Sector and development partners, particularly UNCEF Somalia for their cooperation, valuable contribution and unwavering support towards Somalia’s development agenda.

The Social Statistics Strategy launch event has had a high level participation including Federal Minister of Planning, Investment & Economic Development, Deputy Minister of Water and Energy, Chairperson of Upper House Social Affairs Committee, Director General & Deputy Director General, SNBS, Development Partners, representatives from UN bodies, aid agencies, research firms, the academia, media fraternity and other NSS stakeholders.

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Somali National Bureau of Statistics (SNBS) Launches the Somalia Multidimensional Child Poverty Report in Somalia (MDCP)

Press Release

Mogadishu, Saturday, June 24, 2023 — The Somali National Bureau of Statistics launches the First Ever Somalia Multidimensional Child Poverty Report in Somalia (MDCP), a report compiled from the 2020 Somalia Health and Demographic Survey (2020 SHDS), a nationally representative survey via MODA tool that outlines risks on nutrition, health, water, sanitation & hygiene, housing, education, information & violence. It critically analyses approaches to measuring child poverty, including children’s needs at different life cycle stages, that is, early childhood, primary childhood, and adolescence, details on the profiles of children experiencing various forms and combinations of deprivations. The study examines critical dimensions affecting children’s well-being in Somalia. It further explores enabling environment to support evidence-based advocacy around investment in critical services for deprived children. The launch served as a platform for sharing insights, discussing best practices, and fostering partnerships among key stakeholders in the field.

The report presents child poverty analysis in Somalia using a direct method of child poverty measurement (MODA) which analyses deprivations experienced by the child. MODA is a tool that provides a systematic procedure to identify deprived children, especially overlapping coincidences of deprivations. The study uses Multiple Overlapping Deprivation Analysis (MODA) to assess Somalia’s multidimensional childhood deprivation level. MODA enhances policy efficiency through simultaneous integration of interventions to reduce multiple deprivations.

The report aims to improve the multidimensionality of child poverty in Somalia by implementing the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), which Somalia ratified in 2015, hence committed to improving the condition of its children. 

The National Bureau of Statistics (SNBS) prepared, analyzed and published Somalia’s multi-dimensional child poverty analysis report, with technical assistance from UNICEF Somalia. As the country works towards achieving poverty reduction, there have been a number of plans, strategies, policies and reports designed or analyzed to identify significant risk factors for multidimensional child poverty in Somalia, many of which lacked direct method of child poverty measurement that would analyze deprivations. To achieve such a coordinated and harmonized multidimensional deprivation analytical report, the Bureau has to display the capacity to produce direct reports that are based on accurate and reliable data.

Use of MODA to generate this report is an example of such knowledge based analysis which seeks to inform different stakeholders on the state of the child poverty Deprivation Analysis and extrapolates how key poverty indicators are expected to perform in the coming years. What makes it unique is the fact that this analysis was fully developed in-house and the challenge is to sustainably produce this and other types of sector-based analysis.

SNBS Director General, Mr Sharmake Farah who spoke during the report launch welcomed participants and expressed appreciation to all those who contributed to the successful completion of the analysis report, including the Deputy DG, Abdirahman Omar, colleagues from Social Development Line MDAs, other SNBS colleagues, without whose active involvements the report would not have been completed. The DG reaffirmed that their cooperation and endorsement strengthen the significance and applicability of this report in driving our nation’s progress forward.

The DG acknowledged the role of development partners particularly, UNICEF Somalia in supporting the drafting of this critical report. “Together, we are empowering Somalia with accurate and comprehensive report analysis for effective policy-making and program implementation”, remarked the DG.

SNBS Population and Social Statistics Director, Mr. Said Abdillahi noted that consultations were made with experts from Somalia throughout the report writing period and that, to contextualize the MODA methodology, SNBS hosted a national consultation workshop with key stakeholders. The workshop sought to reach consensus on two key issues: deciding on age groups that define typical stages of child development in Somalia, and identify relevant deprivation dimensions in each age group and specify dimensional indicator(s).

Speakers reflected on the report and acknowledged the significance of the Multiple Overlapping Deprivation Analysis and reaffirmed that the MDCP report identifies most critical risk factors for multidimensional child poverty in Somalia.

Mr. Mohamed Yarani who presented the report observed, “MODA analysis provided the profiles of the deprived children and the families they live in. The profiles showed the differences between the better off and the worse off children, hence helped identify which groups of children suffer from inequitable deprivations”.

The report shed light on risks relating to nutrition, health, water, sanitation & hygiene, housing, education, information, and violence. It reveals pressing issues facing children, such as limited access to education and high rates of child labour.

Speaking at the launch event as a keynote speaker, Abdifitah Ahmed Diriye, Director of Somalia Health Institute, said, “there is a significant overlap in deprivations, which suggest that integrated approaches are needed to address childhood deprivation adequately. Children experience poverty in different ways that ultimately affect their development”.

Fartun Ali Abdirahman, Secretary General of National Disability Agency who was among the speakers, stressed that children with disabilities have equal rights before the law with other citizens and as such, they deserve to be given special priorities in future child poverty analysis.

Speakers were unanimous that the findings of the MDCP report will help inform policymakers and stakeholders, guide targeted interventions to address multidimensional challenges facing children in Somalia.

The Multidimensional Child Poverty Report launch event has had esteemed government officials’ participation including SNBS Director General, SNBS Social Sector Statistics Director, Federal Social Development Ministries department directors, research firms, the academia, media fraternity and other stakeholders of the national statistical system.

Somali National Bureau of Statistics (SNBS) Launches the Somalia Multidimensional Child Poverty Report in Somalia (MDCP) Read More »

Somalia Implements Enhanced General Data Dissemination System (e-GDDS) and thus Joins the IMF’s Data Standard Initiatives.

Press Release

June 18, 2022. Somalia formally joins the International Monetary Fund Data Standards Initiatives via the implementation of the Enhanced General Data Dissemination System (e-GDDS) requirements. Somalia National Bureau of Statistics (SNBS), hosts the National Summary Data Page (NSDP), where key national macroeconomic and financial data are published.

The e-GDDS, which replaced the General Data Dissemination System (GDDS), was established in 2015 with the aim of encouraging statistical development, enhance transparency and reliability as well as creating synergies between data dissemination and formulations of attendant public policies. 

Giving credence to dissemination, the e-GDDS comes with four main elements: focus on surveillance: the 15 encouraged data categories in the e-GDDS, incentives where IMF staff monitor progress and report to the Executive Board on a regular basis; a standardized platform for data dissemination; and finally capacity development to address data gaps. The close link between e-GDDS and Article IV consultations strengthens the constituency for better data and more resources, thus create a virtuous circle for reform.

Reacting to the attainment of this historic milestone, the SNBS Director General Sharmarke Farah observed, “this is a historic day for the transformation of Somalia’s National Statistical System. Somalia’s macroeconomic and financial data is now available on the IMF’s Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board. All data users will now cite SNBS as their reference for official statistical information on Somalia through the IMF’s DSBB which will enhance timely access to credible and transparent economic and financial data, putting Somalia at per with the rest of the world”.

The Publication of Somalia’s key macroeconomic data via the NSDP will provide national policy makers and domestic and international stakeholders, such as investors and rating agencies, easy access to information that is crucial for monitoring economic conditions and corresponding policy responses. Making this information easily accessible in both human- and machine-readable formats will enable users timely access data and improve transparency.

? The main authorities involved in the provision of data are the Ministry of Finance, National Bureau of Statistics and the Central Bank of Somalia. SNBS is the focal point of Somalia’s e-GDDS, and has since submitted all the necessary data, and has also contacted the Central Bank of Somalia to appoint a focal point that will avail requisite data to the SNBS for publication at the NSDP.

Somalia Implements Enhanced General Data Dissemination System (e-GDDS) and thus Joins the IMF’s Data Standard Initiatives. Read More »

Somali National Bureau of Statistics (SNBS) Launches the First Ever Somalia Integrated Household Budget Survey (SIHBS) Report

Press Release

Mogadishu, February 20, 2023 — The Somali National Bureau of Statistics launches the main report of the first Somalia Integrated Household Budget Survey (SIHBS) (2022) since 1985. The Survey (SIHBS) was implemented with support from the World Bank Group, through a grant from the International Development Association (IDA) toward the Somali Integrated Statistics and Economic Capacity Building (SISEPCB) Project.

The SISEPCB Project aims to strengthen Somalia’s national statistical system, the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system, and improve programming and analytical capacity of the government’s macroeconomics and fiscal programming agencies to enable them to regularly assess, analyze and improve public policies and the program’s performance and results.

Completion of the household budget survey was preceded by a series of consultative processes, including field visits to Federal Member States and the review of relevant policy documents. A total of 7,212 households were selected from 601 Enumeration Areas (EAs) across Somalia. About 35 EAs were sampled in each of the 17 covered regions, with 12 households (HHs) interviewed in each EA, totalling about 420 HHs per region.

Gracing the SIHBS launch event, Deputy Prime Minister, H.E Salah Jama remarked “By conducting the Somali Household Budget Survey, Somalia was not merely fulfilling an IMF/WB requirement to reach Completion Point of Debt Relief. It was a considered government effort to obtain reliable data via which all policies and programs are anchored. The work the SNBS is doing is a reflection of the progress in Somalia’s institutional reforms. I would like to commend the National Bureau of Statistics for making the attainment of this momentous milestone a reality. Every individual, household or nation need a plan to actualize their aspirations. And for every plan to succeed, it must be founded on accurate data. I also acknowledge our development partners, including the WB and IMF for supporting Somalia’s development agenda.”

The data generated from the SIHBS collected detailed information on household expenditures and consumption incurred on goods and services to monitor the welfare of private Somali households such as access to basic assets, facilities, and services, measure poverty, improve the GDP estimates, compile national accounts and generate new weightings for Consumer Price Index (CPI). The collected consumer price data will also measure inflation and serve as a baseline for a rapid monitoring system.

Speaking at the launch of the Somali Household Budget Survey, the Federal Minister for Planning, Investment and economic Development, H.E Mohamud Beeenebeene observed, “Somalia accomplished Decision Point for Debt Relief and Arrears Clearance in March 2020, under the Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative, having already fulfilled all criteria for IMF conditionality, including the delivery of interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (iPRSP) through the approval of the National Development Plan (NDP-9) that met the Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy. One crucial HIPC Completion Point triggers is the satisfactory implementation of the poverty reduction strategy. The survey findings will help Somalia establish substantive poverty reduction measures, through the review of the NDP-9 and the application of the data generated via the survey”.

“The SIHBS data provides comprehensive statistics that is key for monitoring the government’s national poverty reduction strategies, including a better understanding of efficiency development policies, programs and projects aimed at improving the living standards of households,” said Sharmarke Farah, SNBS Director General.. “The SIHBS (2022) data will further present the government the basis for tracking economic development through assessment of program outcomes”, he concluded.

The SIHBS launch event has high level participation including Deputy Prime minister, Federal Minister of Planning, Investment & Economic Development, Deputy Minister of Finance, Ministers of Planning from Federal Member States, Director General & Deputy Director General, SNBS, World Country Manager, Development Partners, representatives from UN bodies, aid agencies, research firms, the academia, media fraternity and other stakeholders of the national statistical system.

For more info, contact us

Abukar Mohamed, Communication Specialist, SNBS on, You may also reach the SNBS on

Website:, Twitter: @nbs_Somalia, Facebook: @nbssomalia, Instagram: @nbs_somalia, YouTube: @somaliastatistics

Somali National Bureau of Statistics (SNBS) Launches the First Ever Somalia Integrated Household Budget Survey (SIHBS) Report Read More »

Somali Population and Housing Census Launched

Press Release

Federal Republic of Somalia, Somali National Bureau of Statistics. Somali Population and Housing Census Launched. The first census in decades is scheduled to be conducted in 2024.

Mogadishu, Somalia, Tuesday, May 2, 2023 – The Federal Government of Somalia has announced the launch of the 2024/25 Population and Housing Census. The census is a critical exercise that will allow the Somali government to plan and implement policies and programs that meet the needs of its citizens. The lack of up-to-date information about population and housing has made it difficult for policymakers to make informed decisions about the country’s development needs. The new census is seen as a crucial step in planning poverty reduction strategies and economic development for the country.

The official launch of the Population and Housing Census Somalia was led by His Excellency Salah Ahmed Jama, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Somalia. The event was also attended a number of Federal Ministers, Federal Member State Ministers of Planning, SNBS Director General and the Deputy DG , other senior government officials, ambassadors, long standing partners and supporters of the Somali Government, the civil society organization and the media.

Speaking at the launch event in Mogadishu the Deputy Prime Minister, H.E Salah Ahmed Jama expressed his delight at the launch of the historic event noting that the Somali Government is committed to taking all steps that are requisite for the organization of a credible census exercise that will inform critical policies guided by accurate and verifiable statistics. The DPM lauded the role of international partners to work closely with the Somali Government in the realization of the first national census exercise in half a century.

Mogadishu Mayor and Governor of Benadir Regional Administration Hon Yussuf Hussein Jimaale, alias Madaale, underpinned the significance of the exercise and expressed full commitment towards its realization.

Also speaking at the event, Federal minister for Planning, Investment and Economic Development stated, “National census is a key tool for ensuring that we have accurate and up-to-date data on our population and housing needs. This will enable us to plan and implement development policies and programs that will improve the lives of all Somali citizens.”

According to the Somali National Bureau of Statistics, the census will be a comprehensive exercise that aims to collect vital information about the country’s population, including demographic data, social and economic characteristics, and housing conditions. The data gathered during the census will help to inform the allocation of government resources and determine funding levels for critical programs such as healthcare, education, and social welfare. The Population and Housing Census will also play a crucial role in the ongoing efforts by the Federal Government of Somalia to finalize the constitution and democratization process.

The SNBS Director General who emphasized the significance of the census to the Nation and dwelt on the process noted that it will be conducted by trained professionals, collecting data throughout the country and carrying out in-person visits. Every household will be recorded, and information will be collected about the number of people living in the household, their ages, sex, educational attainment, and employment status, as well as information about the housing conditions and infrastructure available in the household. The census will be conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics, with support from the United Nations Population Fund and other international partners.

Somali citizens are urged to participate in the census and provide accurate information, as this will be crucial for the government’s planning and development efforts. The government has assured citizens that all information collected will be kept confidential and used only for statistical purposes.

For more information on the census: Please visit the National Bureau of Statistics website at Contact the Bureau on or

Support the Census for our prosperity.

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Somalia Set to host Inaugural African Statistics Day Celebrations

Somalia Set to host Inaugural African Statistics Day Celebrations

The Somalia National Bureau of Statistics (SNBS) is set to host the inaugural African Statistics Day Celebrations on Thursday 18th November 2021. The African Statistics Day is an annual event celebrated to raise public awareness on the importance of statistics in all aspects of social and economic life.

The theme for this year is “Modernizing National Statistical Systems to support sociocultural development in Africa”, and was chosen to raise awareness among decision-makers, technical and financial partners, data producers and users, researchers, academicians, and the general public about the importance of data and statistics in the process of building back better and more inclusively, post COVID-19 pandemic.

Speaking ahead of the event, SNBS Director-General Mr. Sharmarke Farah said that the the event will provide a platform for stakeholders including government agencies, federal member states, development partners and the private sector to chart the way forward in producing statistical information relevant to the current and emerging needs of data users. “Ensuring the relevance of our national data can only be accomplished through consultation with data users, data producers and other interested parties. In order to reach the different groups, many different consultative mechanisms are adopted. The African Statistics Day summit will provide us with a unique opportunity to meet and consult the stakeholders on transforming and modernizing our National Bureau of Statistics to adequately respond to all data demands,” Mr. Sharmarke Farah.

The event will be graced by among others the Minister of Finance Dr. Abdirahman Dualeh Beileh, Ministrer of planning, Investment and Economic Development Amb. Gamal M Hassan, Auditor General Mohamed Ali (Afgoi), representatives from UNICEF, UNFPA, and Central Bank of Somalia.

In recent years, national governments and the international development community have increasingly recognised the essential role that statistics play in development policy and, as a consequence, the need for strategic planning in the development of national statistical systems in developing countries. Following the adverse impact of the pandemic on the global economy, African countries have been prompted to accelerate and materialize the establishment of the African group on transformation and modernization of official statistics. The statistical community has globally recognized that producers of official statistics need to transform and modernize to adequately respond to all data demands arising from the 2030 Agenda, Agenda 2063, Subregional and National Development Plans as well as other agendas and frameworks.

This transformation and modernization cover all areas of official statistics, including the institutional statistical environment, production processes, coordination, and collaboration. The event will provide a platform for stakeholders to create a body of knowledge to promote statistical development.

Ends About Somalia National Bureau of Statistic

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The Somalia National Bureau of Statistics and FAO sign Landmark Agreement on the Transfer of National Data Collection and Analysis Functions.

The agreement enables the SNBS to carry out its mandate to collect, manage and report on environmental, food security and market data in the country. 20 September 2021, Mogadishu – The Somalia National Bureau of Statistics (SNBS) of the Federal Republic of Somalia has signed a historic formal agreement with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations to transfer the Food Security & Nutrition Analysis Unit (FSNAU) and the Somalia Water & Land Information Management (SWALIM) Programs from FAO to the SNBS. The transfer will happen through a three-phased approach that is expected to conclude within three years.

Through the agreement, FAO will gradually transfer data and analysis capability relating to food security, nutrition, markets, livestock, livelihoods and natural resources to SNBS. The SNBS is mandated by the Statistics Act in the collection, management and reporting of data in the country. In close collaboration with SNBS, FAO will provide technical assistance and institutional capacity development support, share FSNAU, SWALIM existing datasets and periodic updates and develop with the SNBS independent platforms for hosting information, publications and datasets.

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